Guitar and Bass Lesson Center LLC
SINCE 2004
Henry Ford said, " "Whether you think you can or
think you can't ... you're right."
Makes sense, doesn't it? The simple belief that you can tackle any challenge can make the difference between success and failure. That won't necessarily make the road any smoother, but it does help to know that when you get down that road a piece you will have accomplished something special.
Learning to play guitar or any other instrument requires commitment and discipline, but there is no greater satisfaction in life than setting and reaching a goal. That's a brand of confidence you can and will use at other stops along the road. College, sports, career ... or maybe music IS your path. You decide.
Are you up for the challenge? Whether you want to play contemporary or traditional styles on acoustic or electric guitar or bass, you've come to the right place. Click around this Web site. It should provide the answers to any question you may have. If you don't find the information you are looking for, just click the contact link and drop us a line. We look forward to speaking with you about studying with us.